Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Florida Families Supporting Adoption Conference

Greetings all Florida Families Supporting Adoption! It is that time of year again, when we get to come together for our annual conference. We are so excited for this year, and know that it will be a wonderful event.

Date: Saturday, November 7, 2009

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We will be starting right at 9:00 a.m., and a light breakfast will be served shortly after that.

Place: Orlando Stake Center
(Par Chapel, 45 East Par Street, Orlando, Florida 32804)

Lunch will be provided for everyone, including children. Babysitting will also be provided at the church. If you do bring your children, please consider making a donation of $15-$20 to the babysitters for their service.

Our tentative schedule is as follows:

On Friday, November 6th, anyone who would like to is invited to attend the 7:00 p.m. Orlando Temple session. Babysitting will be provided in the nursery at the Orlando South Stake Center, across from the temple, starting at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 7th

9:00-9:30 Welcome and Introductions
9:30-10:00 Breakfast and Mingle
10:00-10:45 Keynote Speaker: Jenny Kite
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:15 Adoptive Parent Panel
12:15-1:15 Lunch (Collect your children from the nursery for lunch)
1:15-3:15 Adoption Presentations
3:14-4:00 Closing Remarks and Door Prizes

We hope to see you there!

Please send your RSVP to Kim Middleton at

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